1920’s Inventions and Expeditions

As fully autonomous cars get closer to becoming a reality on our roads, it’s interesting to look back and see how far technology and vehicle safety has come in the automotive industry over recent years. Through technology, there’s no doubt that cars are so much safer today than they were just ten years ago.

But what is truly amazing is to see how far the development of the car has come over the last 100 years.

I recently stumbled over this video from the 1920/30’s which shows how crash test dummies were living breathing human beings (who were obviously at the lower end of the pecking order), and some incredible vision from the ‘1931/1932 Yellow Expedition’, which Citroen organised to promote their P17 Kegresse track vehicles. This expedition ventured along the historic caravan routes from Beirut on the Mediterranean, through the Middle East and over the Himalaya’s to China, and to say that on occasions they went to extreme efforts to complete the journey is an understatement.

1920’s inventions and expeditions

As a tag line to this video, the following British Library Blog gives an insight into the logistical challenges associated with the Citroen Expedition and the ultimate demise of one of its leaders, French naval officer Lieutenant Victor Point. Would make a great movie.

1931 Citroen Expedition across Asia – British Library Blog

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